A Window on Life

I pulled up the blinds this morning and thought , snow? What snow?
Rain yes and wind certainly, but not a flake was falling even though roads up north were reported blocked by 10 cms of snow and Aboyne in Aberdeenshire which last week boasted a record breaking March temperature of 23.6 degrees, had an overnight temperature of -5 degrees. It's no wonder we British talk about weather all the time.

However the sleet has now arrived and is being blown in horizontal waves across a sodden expanse of grass frequented by some sad unhappy looking seagulls, face on to the onslaught. They don't want to ruffle any feathers and have a bad feather day to add to their miseries.

Unfortunately whereas I am hunkered down in the cosiness of the Dower House( well it will be cosy once I put on the heating again), his Lordship has to journey by train to Glasgow to attend to some unwelcome paternal duties.

When my generation had children at what would now be considered the inexperienced age of the early twenties, we entered into parenthood with a certain amount of youthful naivete expecting that duties of care and nurturing would last until they were 21, when they would be in control of their lives as we had been.
We didn't know then, that parents however old, have a care and feel a duty to be there to pick up the pieces should things go awry for our children, however old.

Children should come with a government health warning, perhaps like that on a packet of cigarettes.

This is my view from the warmth of the east wing of the Dower House with my Mother's day gift of glass flowers from daughter #1 and the matching gift of a passing blue anorak.

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