Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Hill of death ..... sort of...

A cheap day out.....
It has cost me a dozen fairy/cup cakes.... that's it !! Ohhh I love a cheap date ;)
I could have used loads of photo's today for blip,but I really like this one,it's a shame I did not capture Sam running so fast that as he got to the end of the Hill of death #2 (there is an even deathier one) his knee's buckled and down he went... DON'T FRET,he rolled and was not injured.. unlike me... I have a grazed shin,I DID fall over on slippy leaves and I rolled down a bank as a result of this.Vicki say's it was funny,I saw her try to hide her laughter...... last time I fell over it was in front of her and I broke a toe,which is STILL painful and it was 7 months ago,I think she has cursed me.So in true good friend fashion I told her that I hoped the cakes repeated on her.... ahahahah :D

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