Just the Withers......

By JaneW

£1.20 for a Lucy wee.

Brief over view of day ...

1.lept like a muntjac deer from my bed
2.collect Marley as his owner is a selfish git and had a day out !!!
3.walk pooches ..
4.home and collect girls
5.return something to iPhone shop in Solihull and buy the thing that works
6.lucy declares she is desperate for a wee..only place accessible is the bloody John Lewis department store,this means I have to stop driving around Solihull which I was doing to avoid paying for parking whilst Mr W did the exchange .. I of course now have to drive into car park and send Lucy and
Eve to the loo whilst I look for a space... Mr
W turns up with the children and we pay the scandalous price of £1.20 for the SEVEN minute stop.
7. Drive with empty bladder children to Coventry so we can take the girls ice skating
8.it is very cold as a spectator
9.despite the cost of the skating one of the main excitements for Eve is a crisp dispensing machine ...
10.due to my inability to provide good evening meals ,Mr W decides we shall eat out,or he will starve ... again.
11.home and quick dog walk ... As you can see the famous 'chuck it' is in the clutches of Mr W .. He enjoys that toy far too much if you ask me .

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