Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse

New neighbours?

I know there is a tree sparrow busy in the box because I have been hanging out of the bedroom window most of the morning trying to capture a shot of it's activities. (That's instead of the cleaning I was supposed to be doing. The duster lay idly by the camera on the window sill!)
I suspect there might even be egg laying in progress but the box has definitely been adopted.
As I was ready with camera this lovely nuthatch came to investigate the holes in the wall. It would be wonderful if it decided to move in 'next door' - watch this space!
Much more cloudy and cooler today. Went swimming this afternoon, no records broken but an invigorating experience. The coffee afterwards was a delightful finale.
Off to rehearsals tonight and taking a poker to be used as the bludgeoning instrument, it is a rather dark play!
Back to Lincolnshire in the morning for a couple of days so no blips, may or may not back blip depending on how things go. Sorry if commenting is suspended too.

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