It Sounds Funny But I just can't stand the pain

I wore new shoes yesterday. This is my honey, with his First Aid kit, making them better. I have been padding about in bare feet all day because I can't put my shoes back on.

When I started my very first proper job, in the bank, I had kitted myself out in smart checked skirt, white blouse, cardi and low courts. I got a run over to Irvine, and walked the short distance to the office. As I wandered around the office all day, my wee feet started to ache, and burn slightly.

After 8 hours on my feet, my legs were fair gowping. By the time I had gotten on the bus, I had kicked them off. At my bus stop, horror of horrors. I couldn't get them back on. I looked at my heels; raw with blood, my toes - swollen with blisters.

I got off the bus, bare footed, and padded the 500 yards home, over warm pavements, and ripped the soles of my feet on little stones embedded in the tar.

After a long soak, it was obvious that I wasn't going to get back in my shoes for work that week. Flip Flops it was.

And that, has mostly how my feet have been ever since. .. With every new pair of shoes, a new set of blisters.

I didn't even ask for help with my feet tonight, my honey knew just what was needed.

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