Life is a Minestrone !!

By bererunner

Dama Dama....

Well, 24hours on and the temperature is back in the high teens low 20's, and today i togged up in a thick Olive Green fleece, camouflage hat and brown cords...........I stopped short of the full face painted Rambo effect........
After laying flat on the ground for between thirty and forty minutes my reward was this rather scruffy Fallow Deer, i did get some other decent shots but this was probably best of the bunch.
We didn't have a late night last night, but we did manage to stay in bed until 10-15 this morning before making it to the restaurant for breakfast at quarter to eleven............(A really chilled out morning.....)
Wifey then suggested we go to the local Jessop's here in Chichester and buy me a "Carbon Fibre" tripod to take to Spain in a couple of months time.......
Was i going to say no, i don't think so..............
Thank's for the Tripod baby............."I do Love You"............!!
A light lunch, Chilli Con Carne, with a lovely cool pint of 1664..........and off to the New Forest for the Deer Hunt.......
This evening there will be large amounts of wine and baileys drunk, soaked up with a huge bucket of KFC...........
Don't worry there were visits to restaurants Friday and Saturday evenings.........Tonight is just a real chilled out affair.........

Larger view if you're interested.........

Here's to tomorrows hangover...........Cheers........!!


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