The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Home from Home

Landed. Safely. Late, mind you, very late due to the usual Kathmandu valley fog, and having had little sleep at all, but when I walked through customs and saw Paul at 11am it was a wonderful feeling!

A taxi home, catching up with Bex (Step-daughter), David (Dad-in-law) and Phil (pal!) and then after some yoghurt and tea I slept whilst they went in to Paul's school to meet a school from the UK who brought over clothes to be given to people in need. They came home to pick me up and we went into Thamel to buy David a few last bits and to meet our guide, Gopal. Lovely chap, he showed us the route and we munched cake and drank yummy coffee. Then home to pack, out to dinner, and now we are finalising the last few things before bed. Tomorrow we fly in the early hours and are expecting a delay due to the fog, but hope to be in Lukla and starting out trek just after lunchtime. Everest here we come!

So...goodbye blip friends, we will see you again on the 14th!!
Happy Easter, munch some chocolate for me!

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