A Merrick Morning

We had a sleepover with Merrick, our grandson, last night. He roused at 5 a.m., but went back to sleep until 8:45 a.m. His momma called me to come get a haircut, and after doing that (1 blade on the sides...3 blade on top), we took the little man out to McDonalds for breakfast.

We sat out in the playground area at first, but Merrick was distracted by all the kids playing, and wouldn't eat. We moved inside. After polishing off our breakfast...we hit the playground.

His little legs won't let him climb much beyond the step that he is pictured on. I wondered if he needed a little show-me instruction. I went in and asked the cashier a question."What's the record for climbing up to the highest slide, and then sliding down?" "12.4 seconds, sir."

I went back out, and surveyed the maze. 1,2,3,4,5 giant purple steps to reach the yellow tunnel. Perhaps 15 feet of tunnel to reach the slide, and then it was all downhill from there...back to the textured old-rubber-tired floor.

I had Lisa on the stopwatch of her phone. I envisioned the course. 4 seconds to the top...5 seconds across the tunnel...2 seconds down the chute. 11 seconds and the record would be mine. All mine! IF YOU CAN DREAM IT...YOU CAN DO IT!! I took a few deep breaths, and slipped off my shoes. My size 12's wouldn't fit in the small shoe holder.

Lisa yelled GO!, and I was off. The 5 steps were almost flawless. Almost being the key word. I nailed my head on one of the "ceilings", but it only dazed me...so I kept going. Into the yellow tunnel! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!

I was half-way through when I remembered that I am claustrophobic. I froze like an opposum caught in the headlights... then started whimpering like a little girl. The assistant manager, and a team leader had to come to my aid. (The manager refused to leave his Quarter-pounders.)

The team leader had to shimmey up the slide the wrong way. With me resisting...he pulled on my arms while the assistant pushed me forward. The little kids watching, pointing, and taunting didn't help. We finally reached the slide, and I closed my eyes and sailed down. It was worse than having an MRI. Instead of my dreamed-of 11 seconds...it was 11 minutes and 11 seconds of sheer torture! I know. Lisa kept the stopwatch going.

After an hour-long recovery...we took Merrick to get his haircut. That's his mama and my daughter doing the cutting. He sits real good in the chair, and I love how he grabs the broom and the dustpan to help clean up.

Maybe the next time at McDonalds...I'll ask what the record is for doing it blindfolded. That way...I won't be able to see that I am in an enclosed area. Always thinking.

Hope your weekends are going just swell!

Make sure to put it in LARGE to see his monkey outfit. His mother couldn't believe that Grandma dressed him in that!

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