Ta Prohm

Back out with Mr Hen today, this time to Ta Prohm an amazing temple where nature has taken over.
This temple was used as a location in the Tomb Raider film, so was a wee bit busier than Angkor Wat, but we still had lots of time and space to wander & explore. Its a fantastic temple complex, quite dangerous and unstable, though there is some restructuring work going on to safeguard the structure (and the visitors)
Felt a bit like Indiana Jones climbing around, especially when we came across a spider the size of my hand in a tree!
Really loved this temple - my favourite of the entire trip, despite certain bits being spoiled by mass tour groups clambering to pose next to the famous bits. A little patience goes a long way when visiting the temples.

Back to the hotel in the afternoon again to rest by the pool and out in the evening to a beautiful restaurant called Viroth's We got a tuk tuk as the restaurant was across town and were nearly lost when the driver tried to make us go to a temple instead of the hotel but we got there in one piece!

Arriving at Viroth's we had a beautiful candlelit table in the garden, which also meant we were able to watch the big storm brewing, complete with bolts of lightning so huge they lit up the whole sky. We got served some amazing Khmer food, I had a traditional chicken dish and sis had Amok fish, the national dish.
We were just tucking in when the storm broke and the rain poured down. The staff were amazingly quick at moving us to an equally beautiful table inside where we finished our meal before heading back to the hotel in another tuk tuk complete with rain covers (I love tuk tuks!)

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