Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


Today was the day I had to say goodbye to Kaho. She is going home again. Already. In the morning she prepared herself: backing her suitcase and suchs. I took a shower, painted hearts on my nails and did some things on my computer.

Around 11 o'clock we went downstairs to wait for the driver to take us to the airport. I carried Kaho's 22 kg suitcase down from the 4th floor, and we walked to the beginning of the street. After 15 minutes we got a bit anxious and wanted to call someone to ask were the driver was. But then we got a message saying we should open the door, because the driver was waiting for us. So I hurried back to our apartment. We met half way and finally went on our way to the airport.
Just after check-in Joanna and Monica arrived and we had a light lunch at the Pizzahut. Were I actually never had eaten before.. After this it was really time to say goodbye. I really don't like goodbye's, so we did a short one. It was so sad, especially because Kaho wanted to stay longer in China and didn't feel like going home yet. We hugged and said goodbye.

I went to university with Joanna and Monica. Monica had class later that day, so she went her own way. Joanna and I first went to a ticketoffice to get my traintickets for my upcoming trip. They already sold out all the seats for my way to Datong, so on my way there I am getting a bed. After getting the tickets, we got ice-cream at 7/11. I had a lovely sweet banana-white chocolate one. We enjoyed it while walking towards campus, where we met up with Penny. Then Penny helped me with my Chinese bankaccount and deposit money on it. I need to do this several more times to make sure I will get enough money in my account.

After this we went to the sport fields at university, where Joanna had her baseball class. She asked me if I wanted to join her. And since I haven't done any real exercise since I got here, and I love group sports, and it would be a fun experience in China, I went to baseball class. We convinced Penny to join as well. It was so much fun (as you can see)! We first had to get gloves, which was a little bit of a problem. Penny tried to explain to the man she was really in the class. He didn't believe her, especially after he asked her the name of the teacher and she did not know.. So Joanna got us the stuff we needed later.
During class we practiced throwing and catching the ball. And trying to hit the ball with a bat. After a while the teacher called everyone together and he explained the rules of the actual game. Although I didn't understand his Chinese, I knew what he was telling everyone. Mainly because I already know all the rules, but also because he had a board and used magnets to explain the different situations. So we also played a little game which was great fun. A nice experience in the real Chinese student life I think. Good to see that it doesn't differs that much from home. Although: at home I don't get an applause when I decide to step up to first base and hit the ball.

We had dinner at the dining hall of the university. We made jokes and talked about AIESEC. After this it was time for me to go home, so I could clean up the room and prepare my upcoming trip some more.

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