Live, love, laugh

By Rianka

Kaho?s Goodbye Dinner

Today was Kaho's last working day.. Tomorrow she will fly back to Japan. It is a weird feeling to have to say goodbye to her already. Time went by so quickly.
We made lots of pictures at work today, so that she can take them home with her.
During lunchtime we sat in the sun again :)

And after work we went for dinner in a lovely restaurant with a few colleagues. There we talked about my traveling and I got a lot of tips of things to see in Xi'an, because that is the hometown of the guy in the picture.
We also had a lot of fun doing some weird handtrics. It was so funny to notice you don't have a language barrier if you are just open enough. With half-English, half- Chinese, some writing and a lot of guessing and handgestures we managed to get a few conversations going.

Ohyes, I almost forget to tell you: Kaho and I also ate chickenheart, from the Chinese BBQ. It tasted.. like chicken but then a little bit more though meat.

After this we walked home, meanwhile doing a little bit of shopping. Kaho bought a really cute dress and I bought myself some perfume. At home I skyped with Florence (AIESECer) who helped me plan my upcoming trip.

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