As She Sees It

By AsSheSeesIt


When the weather is unrelenting the only option is to curl up with a good book and call it a day. When there is a short break in the rain it is time to dash to the corner (a block away) and restock the fiction selections.

Today is one of those days and I went to visit Rachel at Second Glance Books to feed my mystery addiction. I tend to read the fluffy kind, it mixes well with my nonfiction essays and what not.

Rachel had this display of children's books, all of them about pigs or with characters who are pigs, such as Olivia. There is even one called "The Book of Pigericks" by Arnold Lobel, a book of limericks all about pigs. It did not photograph well, but the limericks we read were clever.

I am enjoying my lazy day off, I do work the weekend, so we shall see how it goes.

Happy Blipping!

PS - make sure you wish Clare a Happy Birthday and Happy Retirement. Long live the Piggy Bus!

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