As She Sees It

By AsSheSeesIt

The Studio

Soozaday asked me if I did anything special to take pictures of the everyday items like the whisk in yesterdays blip and the Ernie and Elmo that have appeared before and this is the result.

This is my studio, so to speak. I have two clamp-on work lights with daylight bulbs and a gooseneck desk lamp that has a soft white bulb to offset the blueness I sometimes get from the day light bulbs. The shelf above is covered in foil to act as a reflector. The basic background is a piece of white poster board, shiny side down and then in this shot I have used two different colors of cellophane, the kind you would use to wrap a gift basket.

I have construction paper, cellophane, felt and origami paper that have all been used at different times depending on the colors and textures I want for the background.

There are people who do this far better than me, I am still learning, but I am having a blast doing so.

How did I get the shark to hang over Ernie's head? That remains a secret.

I have had many people share tips and ideas with me, I am hoping this does the same. Where do I get the ideas for the shots? Be glad you do not live in my head!

Happy blipping!

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