The Wren

By TheWren

Weeping pear

In the front of my house I have a beautiful weeping pear tree, Pyrus Salicifolia Pendula to give it its formal name. I particularly love it because it is always attractive through the different seasons. For those of you who don't know it, in the winter it has a very domed pendular shape which then becomes covered in this sumptuous blossom in the spring, with its stunning red stamens glowing against the white petals. Initially the leaves are thin and willow like and are downy and a soft grey colour, changing eventually to a sort of greyish green. It looks really elegant when in full leaf. The fruits are non-edible and are the least attractive part of this delightful tree, being small and brown. I have been meaning to take a photo of it for a few days now and it is the warning of a change in the weather which prompted me to do it today so that you could enjoy the blossom against the clear blue sky.

During this morning's walk I decided to take a couple of extra photos - just in case the blossom didn't turn out. I was determined to capture what may be the last clear blue sky for a while and so I lay down on the now dry mossy undergrowth on the moor, to get a good shot of the yellow gorse against the sky. What I didn't bargain for was the reaction of Cara and Bruce. I think they must have thought I had fallen and hurt myself because they came bounding from nowhere and hurled themselves on me, licking me wherever they found a space when they saw I was OK. They do say never work with children and animals, don't they!

I achieved even more in the garden today and am having to be very controlled not to sow too much just yet as it WILL turn colder soon. So instead I busied myself with getting the raised beds totally ready and distributing more of my compost around the various shrubs and fruit bushes. It was very satisfying.

Thank you so much for all the comments, stars and hearts yesterday for you sent my view of the hills bathed in the glow of the dying sun to the Spotlight. It gives me a great thrill when that happens, particularly when it is for a scene that I love of the landscape around here.

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