The Wren

By TheWren

On its way down

I had berated myself for missing a sunset last night so was determined to see what it was like tonight, given that it had been another beautiful sunny day. However, the hills had maintained a cloak of heat haze all day so I wasn't sure what I would find. Anyway I jumped in the car to get to slightly higher ground where I could see the hills.

As it hung low, just above the still hazy hills, the sun was a glowing orange orb and I watched it steadily sinking while various flocks of birds flitted across the peachy sky and a lone buzzard soared way up high, far beyond the reach of my camera. I took several shots as the setting sun made its way downwards and once home I eventually decided on this one, which was a bit before the final farewell, but I like the glow behind the skeletal trees.

I was in town for most of the morning as the car was in for its annual service and then I popped into an outdoor specialist on my way home, where I was delighted to pick up some real bargains in warm waterproof gear for next winter. As I left the shop though, a beeper went off. I had seen the salesman take the security tags off so after a momentary stop I continued confidently back to the car until I was halted by the sound of "Excuse Me", obviously aimed at me as there was no one else about. The man was very jovial and assured me that there was probably a security tag left in a pocket or something - he was right, there was one lurking in an inner pocket! We chatted away and as I left he said that he knew it would be an error on their part as I "didn't fit the profile" and hadn't legged it when I heard the beeper going off! So I suppose I am pleased that my profile is OK!

I managed to fit in a little more weeding after the walk and before dashing out to blip the sunset, so hope to catch up on some comments this evening as I am a bit behind.

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