A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Above the hamlet of Marley.

We did another 'test' walk today that we put off earlier in the year as the ground was very wet.

This walk started off on familiar routes through the St Ives estate but at the top of altar Lane we carried on down hill to the hamlet of Marley which has it's own Grade 11, 17th century hall which I had never heard of before.

I liked the shape of the tree along side the lovely dry stone wall. The distant view is High Eldwick on the edge of Ilkley Moor. More of the moor can be seen at the end of the tree with the green fields below Micklethwaite also visible.

The entire view is sadly marred by development and the trunk road along the Aire Valley but of course we all need somewhere to live and work and easy access to them.

This was a lovely walk returning to Altar Lane along the valley bottom via Ravenroyd -, and no petrol required!!!

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