Just the Withers......

By JaneW

All you nature boffins... help...

What is this bee thingy ?? it is not a bee'bee .. it has a massive long 'snout' thingy and no stripes and looked really menacing.I know I could 'JFGI' (just fucking google it but I am asking you instead,as really if non of you know or don't tell me I won't loose sleep and with my attention span being that of a wild toddler I shall have forgotten it soon... ;)
As you can also see it is one of my grape hyacinths .. the potted sort,lest they behave like triffids and take over the world.........

Today,did an early dog walk,rushed to the girls school to see Lucy's home learning presentation and for those of us parents who popped along we had to do a quiz devised by our children and I got 9/10 which shamed my poor child................ not really,she could not have cared less :D and Miss Wright gave me chocolate....
Took my lovely Mum to do her supermarket shop,we of course brought some ready made sandwiches and some CAKE...
Washing on line,sniffing later...
over and out :D

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