Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Who loves you...

[to Ronnie and Reggie, aged three]
Violet Kray: Who loves you, eh? That's right, Mummy loves you, you little monsters. Mummy loves you more than anything - more than all the cakes, more than all the jewellery, more than all the chocolate in the world:.....Acted by Billie Whitelaw playing the Krays mum.....
I can do a good Violet Kray,the kids love it,and so does my Mother,it makes her laugh..... you can change the names about to suit the menacing tones ....

So today,more blazing sun to get us ready for the freezing cold and snow we have been forecast... see,I cannot get arsey about the weather,I am English for gods sake,its my right to have good then shit weather all back to front and cold when it should be hot and hot when it should be cold... I LIKE being unpredictable.. it is fun... non of that same of same old death valley weather for us guys !! NO.... keeps us all bitching and unites people in stupid small talk ..........

As you can see my Jakey (grandson) was here,he ate some battered cod.When his mother arrived she said you stink of fish to him,I told her he had only had meat so was not sure how that happened ;) heheh x

p.s had a very good shopping trip this morning,met my long standing and long suffering friend Carrie,and we had a moist cinnamon swirl.

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