inspiration all around us

By Marykathleen

Inspired by vernacular architecture

We should have been out in the garden, taking advantage of a fine day to do some more digging and planting. Instead, we went to Troutbeck to look at some of the buildings described by R W Brunskill in his book, 'Vernacular Architecture of the Lake countries'.

The whole Troutbeck valley lies within the Lake District National Park. Most of the village is a Conservation Area and there are many Listed and National Trust owned buildings.

I spotted this building a field's distance away. If my new-found knowledge is correct, it is a typical Lakes long house made of green slate with a slate roof. The cylindrical chimney stack in the centre divides the farm buildings on the left from the living quarters on the right.

Sadly, property values in the whole of Troutbeck are now well beyond the reach of local people, but I suppose it is fortunate that there are people with the money and enthusiasm to repair and maintain these wonderful old buildings.

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