it's all about Sheffield

By PauloNoobs

Three traffic lights in a field...

This slightly surreal picture of three traffic lights in a field can be found just outside Sheffield in the village of Hathersage. It celebrates the design of the ubiquitous traffic light frame by Sheffield designer David Mell0r in 1965.

Latterly probably better known as a cutlery designer (this picture was taken at his factory), David also had a remarkably successful career as an industrial designer and you will find many of his public works designs, from pelican crossings to litter bins and post boxes, are still part and parcel of our daily lives today.

David died in 2009 and the business is carried on by his son Corin. You can look around the factory which is design masterpiece itself, and there is a cutlery shop with small museum attached where you can see some of his design classics.

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