eye of the camera

By telefoto

sun has got its hat on......

.....hip hip hip hooray!!

just a quick blip...been at school all afternoon helping the teacher with the reading tests...phew tough because you cant help them not even a tiny bit!

so this morning after dropping my eldest off at school, me & lottie popped in to a friends for a cuppa (& to ask a favour) lottie played with her handsome boy then we came home.

far to sunny to be cooped up inside so out side to the garden we went armed with a load of washing for the line.....

whilst loading the fresh washing on to the line i could see the freshly dug soil waiting for me to do something with it.....for the past few years i have attempted to grow veggies but i have to little time this year and really cant be bothered.... so i just sprinkled some poppy & wild flower seeds over the patch and will wait to see what grows!!

the kids in my class at school today were a bit highly strung maybe its the weather but they really didn't want to listen today

heres to tomorow ...ooohh and wednesday im going on a trip with the school to help.. my first one with my eldest as i have always had my youngest in tow so should be good and hopefully some good blipping pics x x

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