eye of the camera

By telefoto


a perfect spring, Sunday afternoon sunshine,warm, cider in a pub garden!!

this morning was a lazy one with this afternoon having a visit by my father in law who we haven't seen for about 3 1/2 months as he has been on a cruise.

he came bearing gifts for the kids... T-shirts, dresses, and lovely bangle for me ...once they had left we had a quick bite to eat in the form of a toasty ! then we went to get lottie some summery shoes..4pairs later we got back in to the car & proceed to find a pub garden as not to waste the last of the sunshine..to the pilot we headed they have a lovely play area for the kids, lovely canal view and child friendly what more could you ask for.

the light was starting to disappear after a cpl of drinks so once the kids had finished their chippies we headed for a walk down/up the canal ..it really was beautiful..ducks & swans were seen .it was getting chilli so we headed back so we could catch skating on ice final!!!

we have had a lovely sunny week end with lovely friends & family.

hope you all have too.

ps....im becoming an aunty for the first time ...but in name only as i prob wont get to see him or her families who'd have them !

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