Wee man up a big wall (relatively speaking!)

James wanted to go climbing today, so we did - 2 and a half hours at the wall and he impressed me - last time I went with him, he was quite frankly, a BIG GIRLS BLOUSE and didn't make it above about 3 feet off the ground. Couldn't get him off the wall today - in fact at one point I was asking permission to have a quick climb before he got back on again.

He must have got stronger and I think the only thing that stopped him going to the top was "THE FEAR" as he kept looking down then asking to be let down. But I was dead proud of him.

Yay. Good day so far and he's gone to see Lorna (his former childminder) at his request because he misses her - just off to pick him up now.

More of James climbing

Spent the evening making Warhammer models and painting them which was pretty good fun actually (thought it was going to be dead boring). James has read a couple of chapters of "Cows in Action - |The Ter-moo-nator" with voices - had me in absolute stitches.

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