
By Cairistiona1


Not sure how this is going to look on a big screen. I like the idea but the laptop isn't really cutting it for close examination. Too fiddly. Still, new desktop ordered and hopefully I'll be able to sort that out soon.

Still working on the software change though. Instography suggested trying NIK with aperture and I'm giving it a go with demos. It's OK, but I have switched to lightroom for this one to see whether I prefer it or not. Either way I still wont have layers, but it's definitely quicker and I'm finding new ways to do things. Necessity is, after all, the mother of invention.

Other news; done one heck of a lot today. Started out by washing the car. The man did the high bits, simply because he can reach and I can't and I did the rubbishy low bits. Main problem with that is that the man, with the high pressure hose on the other side of the car can't see me.

Several squeals later I went for a run round the village. The dog, who is too old to go very fast had taken it into himself to go for a wander. Still don't know how he squeezed through the bars of the gate, but he had and I had to go get him back. Little devil saw me, but kept on anyway. Thanks to S for shouting and letting me know where he was.

Successfully home had a chat with the daughter on the phone, cut up some green stuff that was growing too fast, watched the end of the footie, cleaned the shower room and then went for a walk. Also been monitoring BP from time to time. Started taking medication yesterday and it is interesting to see how it is working.

Don't tell the boss, but I think it will be back to work for a rest tomorrow!

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