
By BikerJim

~Mildly Annoyed~

~Red-Tailed Hawk~
~Buteo jamaicensis~

Again, I came across another friendly avifauna (a bird).
At about 2 feet long and a wingspan of 5 feet, it is not small.
And just as a perspective, it is perched on 5 inch thick pipe.
As you can tell from its claws, this is a bird of prey.
It glides high above the ground, and has very keen eye sight.
Feeding on rodents and snakes all the way up to large rabbits.
It can fly at about 20-40 mph, but it prefers to hang on the winds.
When it does spot its prey it will tuck its wings in and dive.
This dive can exceed speeds of 120 mph, this is one fast bird.
At the last instant it will flair out its wings and swoop on its target.
No need to land or even come in contact with the ground.
Look at the size of those talons, doesn't lose a meal very often.
Another lovely bird to watch in flight or when working for dinner.

Thank you for looking.

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