A Settle to Carlisle train trip today. We were going to start from the station at the village but that would have put us in a bit of a rush to catch the train which stopped at the village on the return journey. So instead we started from Settle, which also gave us views of the water tower conversion into a home at the station which was featured on tv recently.

The train was heaving! Walkers and day-trippers like us, presumably all taking advantage of the recent £10 return fare through a local newspaper. Though, had I not lost my tapping from earlier in the week, I would have explained that when I went to the station to buy my two £10 tickets I met an ex-colleague who instead kindly gave me a voucher for two £5 vouchers. Thank you A!

So, off we went to Carlisle, in a thick fog which cleared the further North we rumbled. When we reached the city we found the inhabitants in t-shirts and flimsy cotton dresses. Summer! It was wonderful to just amble about in the perfect warmth. As the only birds about were pigeons, and G had already ticked them, the binoculars stayed in the bottom of his rucksack and we did what normal people do, we went into shops, well, bookshops to be exact, and we had (a bought) lunch out sitting in the sun. I believe G is going soft!

The book shops were a real treat, a highlight was meeting Simon Yates who was signing copies of his latest book in Waterstones. I bought it for G's Father's day present, and asked if I could take his photo; thank you Simon, what a lovely chap.

Carlisle Cathedral was as beautiful as ever , and though I envisaged even before we left home that my blip would be its incredible ceiling, instead I chose this of the light and shadows on a group of chairs.

A wonderful day out. We must do it again, next time there is an offer on the tickets. I think it's usually £26 return, there'd be nowt left for book buying!

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