SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

Spring has Sprung

20 degree heat in March?! I'll take some of that!! After sitting in South Hill Park for 4 hours yesterday, I have obviously caught the sun! Hoorah for mini heat waves!

Today was a strange day. My sleep pattern is all over the place with teaching evening classes at college, so late nights mean late mornings, means not as much getting done as I would like.

Did go to Zumba today though - met my old instructor and met a fellow Scot, so more of a social than a workout!

Teaching tonight - another good class. Not back teaching for 4 weeks though the way that the Easter holidays have fell. V strange!

These dwarf daffs have been in bloom for a couple of weeks. Kept meaning to take a snap and remembered tonight as I was leaving. Otherwise it would have been another last minute.com blip!!

Busy Friday. Stay tuned folks!

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