SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

Lady Bird

First day properly back into planning my one day workshops and photography holidays and I managed to get tones planned!

Met with a couple of locations and they were all very amicable. Yes!

I decided to have lunch at South Hill Park, (one of the main locations I am using - GORGEOUS PLACE!!) and this little lady bird was sharing my table for hours. I was sat in the sunshine for hours and really felt as if I got loads done.

Last evening of my SLR group at college tonight. The past 5 weeks have shot past. It is always sad saying goodbye to a class, but this class has been fantastic over the past month and I have do enjoyed working with them. Hopefully will stay in touch and may see them on one of my courses!

Looking forward to another productive day tomorrow! Maybe more garden sunshine time?!

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