
By Juli

Facing the music.

Although it's not always the case for everyone, I believe that often, even though it may not seem like it at the time, opportunities are there if you just look at things from a different angle, take a different approach, keep an open mind. More than once I've even created my own opportunities but much does depend on having support from others, being given that crucial chance.

I spent yesterday coming to the realisation that getting accepted on a teacher-training course is virtually impossible, despite having several routes available. I have contacted every school within a feasible distance and not one is able to offer a placement, all citing 'budget cuts'. Other courses with local universities give priority to their own graduates and places are limited so no guarantees there. No word about the job I recently applied for, either, so I'm not holding out much hope.

In my naiveté, it never occurred to me that I wouldn't be able to fulfil my dream. I'm not one to give up but I think maybe I failed to see that I've hit that time in life when the asset of 'life experience' has simply turned into the liability of 'getting old'. Time to face the music, I think!

I'm dedicating today's blip to Bernard. I thought he might like this fence (and although I might be wrong, I suspect he too still has one or two dreams left to chase).


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