Feeding frenzy
Mr B is ill. It may be the worst case of man flu yet recorded. So after delivering the kids safely to school, I got on with all the quiet DIY tasks I could find. And when I was through with them I was delighted to see that the early mist and then overcast weather had been broken through by sunshine. So off out into the garden to see what quiet tasks I could find there. Mostly digging it seemed - I'm sure my back will be screaming 'too much digging' tomorrow, in fact I can already hear it muttering something along those lines...
I'm happy to report that Mr B now seems much better for his 18 hour sleep and rustled up a fine lamb chop dinner to satisfy the workers (the kids count as workers in this context). While dinner was being rustled up, I got on with the backlog of blips I had built up thanks to a lightroom uploader error (which resulted in a long and very amusing write up being lost) causing me to lose the will to blip for a week. Ironically, this is the second time I've written this write up too... it being lost in the ether first time round (and, of course, it was funny, smart and sassy first time round. Honest.)
Yesterday was the shooting at the Jewish school in Toulouse, and today it was very noticeable that parents at our school who are normally happy to just let the kids run out of the car and into school alone while they drive off, or chat with friends, were instead holding hands firmly and taking kids right to the gate. I had heard that there was to be a minute's silence in all French schools so had prepared the kids for this last night and this morning so they would not be taken by surprise. We don't tend to shield the kids from all the bad things that happen 'on the news' and are always happy to explain to them what is going on in the world - bad and good. However, when it comes this close it is hard to explain it fully and still have them feel safe in their school. Particularly when they hear that the gunman may be targetting 'foreigners'. "Oh, like us mammy?"
But when the more detailed accounts of the shooting came through this evening on the news, we just turned the radio off. Too close.
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