All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Cool Dude

Well Ethan had a very restless night and was up several times, howling in pain. As he was sleeping in our bed with hubbie though, hubbie dealt with him each time and, probably as a result of his disturbed night, Ethan eventually slept till 8am.

I'd forgotten it was Mothers Day, so it was nice when Ethan did wake up happy and him and hubbie came through to me with a card and chocolates (which Ethan was desperate to open)!

He still hasn't been himself today but has been loads better than yesterday, thank goodness. He wanted to go outside to play at one point, which I didn't mind as it was a beautiful day. He insisted on wearing his sunglasses too which made me laugh because last summer he downright refused to keep them on!

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