All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Not a well boy

Granny & Grandpa brought Ethan and Eden back late morning, from their 2 night stay with them. Eden was really cheerful but Ethan was clearly not well.

Foreveryoung picked Eden up after lunch and Granny & Grandpa went back home at the same time. We spent the afternoon with Ethan either crying or curled up on my chest looking really miserable. After he started hitting his head, telling us it was sore and that the light was making his eyes sore too, then doing lots of "judders" (for want of a better word) we phoned NHS 24, who asked us to take him down to the out of hours doctors at St Johns. Turns out in addition to his chest infection, he also has an ear infection too, so it was probably sore ears which was causing him to hit his head in frustration and pain.

He fell asleep in our bed at 7pm, after only a few minutes of me reading him a story. However, was awake an hour later, howling in pain. He did eventually go through to his own room at his request, but woke again not long later and was so distressed, he has ended up sleeping in our bed with hubbie, while I've retreated to the spare room.

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