I tried to upload this and edit it on Blip but it wouldn't let me. Some days it does somedays I have to use the basic uploader. As I have yet to find the time to work out how to use my editing suite you will have to put up with the red eyes.
Busy day today. With an early start we were at my sister-in-laws in Ascot by 08.50. Planned to go out for a walk after coffee, but it suddenly threw it down, so we played half an hour of games before it eased off. Then we went to Virginia Water with the kids and their bikes. It was very slippy under foot on the path and Carys struggled to keep her wellies on the pedals, the combination of which made for a few spills and a few tears. Will did really well on his little bike, (I did have a shot of him with both feet off the ground, but this one trumped it) but needed a carry back the last 10mins, and it had to be from me and I hadnt got the sling=Mummy with very tired arms.
After a quick lunch and a quick change for Carys we headed back to get her back for this party. Thanks to T she actually had a choice of dresses to wear and she was very proud of her party dress. The entertainer atthis party is the same as the one I have booked for Cs party and I am very happy now I have seen him in action. He was great and amazinglykept great control of the kids , whilst allowing them to have great fun. This is Carys trying to spin a plate, an activity that went on for what seemed like ages with all the kids engrossed. She did finally manage it, but I had had to help some of the others by then so didn't get a photo.
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