Life through the lens...

By ValC

Bird's eye view!

Stayed near Yeovil with friends last night.( the ones that stayed with us in Cornwall) Had a wonderful meal. Including lobster to start with and venison for main course!

We always come home up The Fosse Way (old Roman Road) and stopped at Morton-in-Marsh for lunch. A lovely Cotswold town.
This is the tower of the Town Hall called the Redesdale Hall.
The plaque says:
"Errected in 1887 by Sir Algeron Betram Freeman Mitford, 1st Baron Redesdale Lord of the Manor of Morton-in-Marsh in pious Memory of his kinsman Earl of Redesdale 1805 - 1886."
Sir Algeron was the father of the famous Mitford sisters.

When I put the photo on the computer I saw that right on the top was a bird!
Not part of the weather vane.
Must have a great view!

We've had a great holiday, but as always it's nice to be home!

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