An Unlikely Pair

A day of spring sunshine and Mother's Day messages.

An azure sky busy with white clouds,
The sea to the north and to the south, the Lammermuirs blue hazy in the distance
Birdsong and quiet country roads.
No wind to struggle against.

Rooks cawing noisily in a stand of tall trees, nests precarious on the topmost branches,
Bare trees standing sentinel in ploughed earth fields,
New shorn hedges of hawthorn and beech guarding fields of early crops,
Dry stane dykes meandering into the distance.
Deep sculptured tractor tracks in the mud of verges
Roadside puddles from recent rain.

Daffodils sheltering by garden walls
Grass peppered with daisies
And a lone dandelion.
Bright yellow forsythia in cottage gardens
Hills of golden gorse far away.

Red pantiled roofs and whitewashed houses
Smoke, lazily issuing from chimneys
Steam curling round Cockenzie Power Station.
High tide with fishing boats jostling for position at Port Seton.

A seat outside at '42 the Harbour' and feeling the warmth of the sun on our faces.

A perfect day for cycling.

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