Art #3 - A ship inside a bottle

This is how I feel sometimes, like a ship inside a bottle, getting nowhere...

Off today, so this morning I woke up late. I had my usual relaxing breakfast, got my bag ready to go to the gym and then I went to visit my friend Kevs. He's going through a bit of a bad patch at the moment, so I got him some flowers hoping to cheer him up. He insisted on blipping me although I told him that my hair was not looking great. Now I've realised as well that I have a white mark on my t-shirt which I hadn't noticed before I left the flat. Not the most flattering of portraits! Hahaha! Never mind! My visit seemed to cheer him up, which is good.

After that, I went to the gym. On my way there, I saw some interesting graffiti I took pictures of, but I decided to finaly blip this ship in a glass bottle from Kevs' flat, because I just liked the picture. I'll have lots more bliping opportunities for graffiti shots!

This evening I'm going to a St Patrick's Day party. We're having Irish stew, Guinness and Irish Whiskey at a friend's flat and we'll take if from there. I tried all day to find something bright green to wear but I couldn't find anything, so I'll have to make do with a green blouse I have at home, which is not bright green, but it's the thought that counts, I suppose.. haha!

Thanks very much again for all your kind comments, stars and favourites. I'm very happy with my wee crown! :) I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! :)

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