Uncle and nephew

We got up late this morning after a lousy night's sleep. I slept soundly for an hour after going to bed and then hardly at all for the rest of the night.

The sun was shining and perfect for a stroll on the beach with J, S and the dogs. There were four vizslas all up and one honorary vizla (aka Harvey the Springer).

Sunnaq (Cousteau's nephew) and Cousteau played beautifully. Bodhi (Cousteau's younger brother) and Lenci (his sister) were all there too. A real family outing.

There was high drama involving a horse, a Rottweiler and a stranger with an asthma attack (thank goodness I always have my inhaler in my bag), which fortunately ended okay.

This afternoon, Canterbury and I met D for a coffee and slice. We took our road bikes out for a spin, for the first time in ages. I'll pay for that tomorrow. Felt kind of like spring.

Tonight we're out to Kiwidino's for drinks. It's Mrs KD's birthday.

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