Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Three and a half men

You have to feel sorry for TSM. With The Girl Racer at Uni she has these blokes to put up with and only the whingeing Tigger for female company.

I don't normally do composites but to be fair we were all under the same roof and these pictures were all taken within a few minutes of each other. Don't ask why there is a cardboard food bowl on The Dizzle's head or why Fat Boy ended up wearing it for a halo. Focus instead on The Smiling Giant's carefully cultivated stubble.

Have had four takers for my Faces In The Wreckage series at work so far, so hope to make a start on that project this week.

Another big change at work today - our Chairman is going to lord it over a neighbouring NHS organisation as well as ours, so will be mainly based in Brighton. He's excellent so not surprising that he is in demand in this year of change, but it doesn't make people feel any less secure.

There's a wind blowing 'arry ...

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