
Wednesday calm... ish... not really...

*disclaimer* Baby training rant below - you have been warned. I'm not trying to pick a fight, just have frayed nerves from two clingy and unsettled children and am in no mood to simply keep schtum.

Up earlyish, all downstairs and dressed before 9am (very unusual), Ben upset that daddy had to go to work again, but looking forward to going out to play. Charley fell asleep before we headed over the road to Little Fishes so he woke up while we were there, much to everyone's delight! Call me a crunchy if you like but I had to walk away from the baby area because I couldn't stand to listen to parents talking about no eye contact with baby at night, don't do anything pleasurable with baby at night etc etc. Didn't trust myself to hold my tongue. Not after yesterday listening to health professionals giving very outdated advice as well. Perhaps baby is simply lonely and wants mummy? All you're doing is creating negative associations with bedtime and sleep. What's wrong with research? The tiniest bit of research will show up flaws in most baby-training ideas. Babies are babies, they have instincts - and so do mums - for good reason, and trying to train both baby and mum out of those instincts is silly. I'm very tired and just was not in the mood to listen. And what's the betting I would simply be labelled crazy hippy mum if I said any of that out loud.

Rant over, and breathe again.

Ben is coming down with something I'm sure. He couldn't even be bribed with chocolate to leave me alone today. He'd eaten half a bowl of cereal for breakfast, ignored all other food - including chocolate - since then, but has eaten two potato waffles for tea thankfully.

Charley has wanted to feed and sleep all day. Thankfully his nappies are back in glorious yellow (as opposed to the brown stinky nastiness of the past few days) but he has done some proper screaming in pain today. He has pretty much screamed himself out this evening, even after a dose of calpol and being wrapped up on me.

Steve has gone out to rugby training. I imagine he feels pretty bad leaving me with what he thought were two upset children but Charley's asleep now thank goodness and Ben is watching Tree Fu Tom over and over. It might be a new obsession!

I've given in to the bottle of Bulmers that my sister in law left in the fridge at the weekend.

The picture is Ben in his aeroplane. Charley's upturned bouncy chair. Complete with helmet, gloves, and aviator mustache :) More life on the sofa here. Charley's new trick is to lurch forwards from sitting in this propped-up position, giving me frequent heart attacks. Not going to get a great deal many more shots like this, until he's steadily sitting up unaided... That's Charley in the sidecar. Possibly.

I did tidy up a little this afternoon, hoping to do a bit of painting with Ben but the tidying up took so long in between cuddles and nappies and milk and whatnot that we never got round to it. But the space is clear so we can paint tomorrow and do something creative.

And to think I'm setting up a business doing this messy art thing.

I think I must be insane.

Happy Hump Day everyone. Downhill all the way to the weekend now :)

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