jeni and the beans

By themessymama

They're Here

Gran and Aunty Joan, the Terrible Two, are here. And Ben has them wrapped around his finger already. I'm debating whether or not to post the accompanying video to YouTube. Actually, I will upload it. As soon as I've remembered what format to save it in. You'll have to check back later for the link :)

Busy day today. Ben off to preschool, complete with spare nappies (unlike nursery, I have to provide my own nappies for him) and a packed lunch. And his diary sheet, with Hayley's phone number on it because she was picking him up while I went off to see the dental hygienist (oh deep joy). Hygienist happy with me, me happy too, until she told me that my dentist has left the practise!! What am I going to do?! I loved my dentist, she understood how scared I was and was so gentle with me while pushing me to overcome my fear at the same time....

Hayley and Ben came in for a cup of tea afterwards and Ben played up until Hayley went to pick up her own kids from school, and then had a total utter crash and went to sleep.

Once Mum and Aunty Joan had arrived and we'd had dinner, I went off to a prayer meeting leaving Ben to be put to bed by Steve. It was all going swimmingly until Ben's head hit the pillow..... and then he needed mummy and only mummy would do and he went into total meltdown. Prayer meeting cut short for me but hey ho, that's the way it goes sometimes.

Once home I just had no energy for much at all, hence no blip for yesterday until now...

Today's will be up shortly!

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