Bradford Odeon (a final farewell?)

Despite a rather thoughtful shot of someone contemplating the fate of Bradford's Odeon (with appropriate metaphorical waters rising around him) I am hugely angry!

Im angry at the T&A & Bradford council who continue to lie about the state of this building. (read the link but especially the comments).

This time it's the threat of dreaded asbestos (the town hall is full of it too but no one wants to pull that down) being used as an excuse to pull it down. This despite the fact that last time the building was checked for asbestos there was non as it had previously been removed! How very convenient for all those with s vested interest in having it destroyed that some more has been discovered!

This is the same excuse used for many of Bradford's past architectural beauties being pulled down to be replaced by 60's monstrosities which have in turn been pulled down themselves.

If someone has a broken leg you wouldn't suggest euthanasia as a cure and neither should we be demolishing the Odeon (for a number of reasons, not just aesthetics). I'm all for progress but not at the expense of what little history we have left in Bradford.

At the very least keep the two towers, incorporate them into a new design. Please God don't put up another soulless glass box that will last as long as whatever particular architectural fashion is in vogue.

I'll be very sad if they pull down this building & as a fellow blipper that should be reason enough to support it being saved, if only to spare my tears & spare you my endless rants as they pull the poor thing to bits rubbing their hands with glee at the fat wad of cash they will make out of destroying a lovely bit of heritage.

Make yourself heard and complain HERE

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