Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Second time is better

Early blip today as I am off to do a presentation this afternoon and not sure when I'll get home. We were awakened around 3:30 by a major cat-spat. I know at least one of you can relate to this in a significant way! Hostilities broke out and one cat (my little Rocket-man) ended up with a dangling rear toenail (which has now been removed - yuck.)

Anyway, by 5 it was clear that no one was going to get any sleep so I went downstairs to make some tea ... and spied the waning moon through the window. I wasn't all that pleased with my last attempt at the moon, but thought I'd give it another go. I opened the guest bedroom window, propped Big Daddy on the edge and fired off some quick shots. Imagine my surprise that I actually got a good one! Didn't do most of the things that are recommended for moon shots, so I consider this sheer luck. But I am willing to take luck just about any day.

BIGGER is better!

So, here's looking at you all!

And, it's hump-day!!!

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