Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Ohm, Ohm...

I swear, nothing seems to bother the downy woodpeckers. All hell can be breaking loose around them and they just sit quietly and eat. I think some of us (all right, me!) could take a cue from them. Anyway, as a reminder to myself to stay calm, I decided that this little guy should be my blip today. Never mind that the chickadees tried to out-cute themselves or that one of them waved me forward. No, today had to be a downy day. And you'll notice that he has some tasty suet on his beak - yes, he knows how to live!

To see more detail, just supersize me!

I worked outside in the garden for several hours today, gluing the capstones on the retaining wall that we built last fall. As I had hoped, the warm temps (72 F) today encourage the daffodill buds to come out of hiding and burst into glorious bloom! Yay, daffies! And, yes, this is the earliest by far that they've ever bloomed here in my yard.

My tooth is definitely better today so I am optimistic that the antibiotics are working. Fingers crossed.

Thanks for all the stars and comments on my turtles yesterday. I am hoping to have time to take a walk on the same trail tomorrow before heading out to a meeting and keeping fingers crossed that I see them again. It is just so amazing to me that they crawl out of the mud and are ready to go after months of being dormant. Nature continues to astonish me.

Hey, happy Tuesday, blippers!

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