All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Nee Naw ...

... nee naw, chanted Ethan as he happily went round the garden in his car. It was about the only time he was happy today though

I had to get up to him several times during the night. He was sleeping on a futon at the Foreveryoung household for the first time. For some reason he kept sleeping right next to the wall and kept bumping into it when he moved. He was crying out "sore head, sore head" at one point after he bashed it. He ended up in with me at 5am!

He was therefore tired and grumpy by the time we left to go to nursery. Tired and grumpy this evening too and we had some big tantrums. He did go to bed very eagerly though and that's where I think I'll head myself too. Not often I get to go to bed before 10pm - feels very indulgent!

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