A confused genius

By Lez11

Cheltenham day 1, my lucks out

Woke up this morning still feeling like s**t but I dragged my sorry ass out of bed and went to work. That was a mistake, a 4 hour team brief followed by a 2 hour start up meeting for one of my new projects.

The only thing that kept me going was knowing it was the first day at Cheltenham so me and Nige from work went to the bookies to place our bets at lunch (pic). Unfortunatly for me I picked the wrong horses and won a big fat zero. The worst of it all is I wrote down 1st and 2nd in the first race, talked myself out of betting on them and they finished 1st and 2nd. When your luck is down, your luck is down!

My brother asked me to get his wolves season ticket today for next season as I've already got mine, we must be mad. I went to put in my debit card details in online and they wanted to charge me an extra £40 to use my debit card, the robbing ba**ards. To be fair wolves should be paying me to watch them next season after the rubbish they have made me watch all year. Luckily I've got a credit card and I used that and didn't get charged.

As I still wasn't feeling well when I got home I decided to go for a 6km road run to try and sweat the badness out of me. Surprisingly I run 6km in 30mins 38seconds, I still feel like s**t though. Another early night for me I think.

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