Ice Cream Dress

2years 144days

About 2months ago, I ordered a dress. Made from really stunning retro fabric. The lady sent it, and to my huge disappointment, it got lost in the post. She kindly offered in that time to make a new dress, in different fabric, in case the other turned up so we didnt have two the same. The dress didnt turn up but as a surprise, when the alternative dress arrived, included in the parcel was a remake of the original dress. This dress. We love it. The reverse side has train fabric on the back, and turqoise cord with an applique train on the front. Check out bubbywrap on facebok - such gorgeous clothes. Anyway, the parcel came yesterday, but Katie was too tired when we got in to look last night. Also in the parcel was a summer skirt I'd ordered. She is so excitd about her ice cream dress and her doggy skirt. Wonderfully, we have a dress of just the ice cream fabric on the way from another friend who was sad to hear about the dress loss, before we knew of the surprise replacement. So we'll have two gorgeous ice cream dresses!

She's had a really good day at nursery. They've done lots of making - they made and then played with play dough, they've made crispie cakes, they've done lots outside. She's been really happy. Which is great news because I found out today that she's going to be able to stay. One of the staff has agreed to take her on my compulsory days in uni. I'll still have the round trip to uni to cycle, but by not going to nursery first, I can go a much safer and shorter route. When I got to the nursery, the manager wouldnt tell me what this lady had said, only that I had to go see her. So I did and she said yes. To say I was pleased is an understatement. She got a big hug! All the staff were grinning when I came out from seeing her, each of them telling me how much fun she is to care for and how pleased they are she's staying. Not half as pleased as me.

So tonights blip is Katie, climbing on the gate at nursery, as every child who's learnt to climb does there, in her lovely new dress. Sums up her day really.

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