Story time

2years 143days

Little miss was coughing for a lot of the earlier part of the night. When she laid down flat, she started again. So we spent quite a while of it laid on the sofa together, semi propped up, going upstairs about 3 when she'd been cough-free for an hour or so. At 4, she contemplated the "go downstairs" routine again. I played dumb and faked sleep. It paid off. She laid down and went to sleep again, after getting out of bed, laying on the floor, dozing there, then climbing back up to beside me. She decided at 6 that she wanted the floor again, so laid down there for half an hour, head in the sorted washing.

Once up and about, she was her happy self, and no coughing, so we carried on with the normal day. She'd asked me to bring some of her friends down - to join the already extensive collection downstairs - and played on the sofa with them for a while. She then told me they all needed to sit on the stairs for a party. So she carefully lined them on two stairs. She took her chair over and sat down, "reading them stories" from her veggietales book.

She's gone to nursery today and I think we're going to go out for tea when I collect her as I dont have the easiest of days ahead, so Mummy and Katie time will be extra nice. Oh, and with five minutes to spare before going to nursery, I did in fact manage to get her into clothes. She picked a pretty summery, dress from the "to grow into" bag. A little large to say the least, but still very pretty.

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