A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Lizards in Love (or in love with Lizards)

I have become a tad obsessed with lizard images.

Whilst on holiday I had two separate henna tattoos of Lizards on my ankles ( in the first 10 days, then when that wore off, another one!!!).

I am contemplating having a real tattoo done. I already have one on my lower back, which I have had for four years. Both of us really liked the one on my ankle. But, I'm hanging back on a decision on that one, partly because it hurt like stink on my back, and there's very little flesh to cushion the blow on my ankle!

So, as an alternative, I've been painting lizards on canvas. However, for some reason I have to paint pairs of lizards. Have started two canvases tonight, both lizardy ones, both with some sort of connection or intertwining. I think they are going to end up in a kind of aboriginal style - lots of earth colours in the background, with dots and swirls. But for now they need to dry before I start tinkering with them anymore.

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