In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

F is for Feebird

alpha ponty time again, or even aplpaponty, depends on how you spell it.
So this bird is free,, I mean really free.
Maybe not as free spirited as this one, but the haughty herring gull rule the roost in Aberdeen.
They have been known to swoop and steal food right out of peoples hands, twixt container and mouth. Fearsome critters. Nothing like your common gull, who are not nearly so prevalent around here, nor you black back gull, which is about the same size as the herring gull, of which there are even less of in the city.
I know of only a few who hang about on the River Dee near the Duthie Park.
Incidentally, the old local name for herring in the North East is Silver Darlings. Also seagulls as known as scorries.

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