Sloppy Wood
I'd seen Sloppy Wood on an OS map. I'd seen the trees on my regular trips to Lichfield Waitrose. I didn't know how to get to it or where to park, but this morning I decided to go in search.
I left my car by a sign that said Erasmus Darwin Walk although it was clearly not something that was encouraged (fallen - or strategically placed - logs were in the way so I climbed over.)
It was a lovely trail - so very close to houses but so quiet. Lots of birdsong and so little litter that I felt quite luxurious in the solitude.
Squirrels hopped from tree to tree, and the ground cover of bulbs waiting to explode into a carpet of colour was certainly enough to encourage another visit.
I walked and walked and was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't hear somebody coming up behind me until the VERY last minute. I was leaning forward to take a shot of one of the glades when I was startled. The nice man out on a walk was very apologetic - but I did think about the comments my friends make about me walking alone around places, armed with my camera and my mobile phone !
Sloppy Wood is not very big - and is part of the same woodland area as Jubilee Wood and Parkers Plantation. I will certainly be back.
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